Bad Actor AI and Defending the Online Battlefield with Prof Neil Johnson

Paradigm Podcast

Neil Johnson is a professor of physics at George Washington University. He heads up the Dynamic Online Networks Lab, which combines modern data science with cross-disciplinary fundamental research to tackle problems such as the spread of online misinformation, and the impact of bad-actor generative AI tools in online battlefields.

Neil is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), was former Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, and Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford. His published books include Financial Market Complexity, and Simply Complexity: A Clear Guide to Complexity Theory.

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How can physics help solve real world problems? – NEIL JOHNSON, Head of Dynamic Online Networks Lab

Education, The Creative Process Podcast

How can physics help solve messy, real world problems? How can we embrace the possibilities of AI while limiting existential risk and abuse by bad actors?

Neil Johnson is a physics professor at George Washington University. His new initiative in Complexity and Data Science at the Dynamic Online Networks Lab combines cross-disciplinary fundamental research with data science to attack complex real-world problems. His research interests lie in the broad area of Complex Systems and ‘many-body’ out-of-equilibrium systems of collections of objects, ranging from crowds of particles to crowds of people and from environments as distinct as quantum information processing in nanostructures to the online world of collective behavior on social media.

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