Chancellor Rishi Sunak warned that the extraordinary government support for the economy had to be time limited. “Today’s figures are a stark reminder that we must return our public finances to a sustainable footing over time, which will require taking difficult decisions,” he said.
Why Is The ‘Anti-Vaxxer’ Movement Growing During A Pandemic?
Greer McVay insists she is “not an anti-vaxxer — not at all.” She is up to date with her own immunizations and had her son vaccinated when he was a child. But she fears the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus is being dangerously rushed, in part to improve President Trump’s prospects ahead of the presidential election in November.
Covid 19 Coronavirus: Social Media In The Spotlight After Misinformation
The Chief Censor says New Zealand has an opportunity to be leading the world in fighting against Covid-19 disinformation online.
The Four Reasons People Who Aren’t Anti-Vaxxers Still May Refuse To Get A Coronavirus Vaccine
CNN reports a significant proportion of adults all over the world say they have major concerns about receiving a vaccination for the novel coronavirus.
Many People Say They Wouldn’t Get COVID Vaccine: Report
A CNN poll from May found that just two-thirds of Americans would seek a COVID-19 vaccine once one became available at a low cost.
Vaccines Are Safe But Huge Numbers Of People Around The World Say They Wouldn’t Take A COVID Jab
While some families in the US are concerned about the potential effects of taking a vaccine, others are exploiting fears by spreading misinformation online.
Anti-Vax Posts Against Future COVID-19 Vaccine Steadily Increasing On Social Media, Researchers Warn
Misinformation about a vaccine linked to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is “steadily rising” on social media, experts say.
‘It’s Like You Injected Adrenaline Into Them’: Facebook’s Vaccine Misinformation Problem Faces A New Test With Covid-19
As scientists begin to clear a path to a potential coronavirus vaccine, researchers and advocates are increasingly sounding the alarm over what they see as a looming threat: Facebook’s apparent inability to police dangerous falsehoods about vaccines.
Researchers Race To Make COVID Vaccine – But Will People Take It?
Right now, medical companies are furiously working to create a Coronavirus vaccine. But will people take it?
Just 50% Of Americans Plan To Get A COVID-19 Vaccine. Here’s How To Win Over The Rest
Within days of the first confirmed novel coronavirus case in the United States on 20 January, antivaccine activists were already hinting on Twitter that the virus was a scam—part of a plot to profit from an eventual vaccine.